White County, Illinois

Lick Creek Church  1820--2002


The above photo was taken in the summer of 2002 by Carol Olson as she made a trip through White County to study her Powell and Silliman families.  Of particular significance to me is the partial destruction of Lick Creek Primitive Baptist Church in Herald's Prairie Township.  According to the 1883 White County history the church, which was also known as a "Regular or Old School" Baptist church, was founded in October, 1820. The building shown above was surely constructed prior to 1883, according to the history, and was at least the third building to serve the congregation. I was told that the cemetery was used as a burying ground by travelers, as it was located along a pioneer roadway.

I have confirmed the destruction of the church with other local genealogists, and talked with Robert Burrows, a member of the Primitive Baptist community in White County. He tells me that as the rural churches close the remaining members and neighbors are likely to tear down the building and distribute its materials rather than allow it to decay or be damaged by vandals. "We want to remember the church the way it used to be." Bob told me the old church in Crossville was an eyesore for ten years before it was completely razed and cleaned up.  To my knowledge Lick Creek or Old Prairie was one of the oldest and most historic churches in the area. We assume cemetery maintenance is performed by the township, and that the church area has or will be deeded to the township for the cemetery.

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The Coordinator for the White County, Illinois US GenWeb page is Cindy Birk Conley